Conformity Assurance

In order for e-Stewards Certification to provide value, e-Stewards the program relies on the following methods of conformity assurance: 

  • An independent auditing system which employs accredited certification bodies (CBs) that conducts third-party audits of all certified processors.  
  • The e-Stewards proprietary Performance Verification Program which includes both unannounced inspections and the random use of EarthEye™ GPS tracking to ensure that electronic equipment goes only to destinations pre-approved under the terms of the e-Stewards Standard. The Performance Verification program also includes a Critical Non-Conformity Policy, that allows for the e-Stewards Administrator to remove or suspend e-Stewards for egregious willful violations of the standard. 

Third Party Independent Audit System

This auditing  system is based on global rules and norms, The  system relies on multiple tiers of conformitssurance professionals and standards: 

  • International Accreditation Forum (IAF) – administers the global rules for accreditation bodies. 
  • ANAB (member of IAF) – serves as the e-Stewards’ accreditation body and accredits all qualified e-Stewards certifying bodies. 
  • e-Stewards Certifying Bodies (CBs) – must meet rules set by both the accreditation body and the e-Stewards program administrator. , 
  • e-Stewards auditors (employed by CBs) – must meet rules for auditors set by both the accreditation body and the e-Stewards program administrator, including formal training 
  • e-Stewards program administrator – actively oversees the quality and consistency of the verification system and the training program 

e-Stewards’ ANAB accredited certifying bodies are the organizations that certify your facility to the e-Stewards Standard —the defining step in becoming an e-Stewards processor.  Once contracted, one of the four CBs, listed below, will independently audit and certify each of your electronic recycling facilities located within one country within the allotted time period of 18 months. Once you have contracted and scheduled with a CB of choice,  a Stage 1 audit to determine your readiness will be performed, follwed by a Stage 2 audit to determine implementation.  A pre-determined timeline to ‘close’ any non-conformities found will follow each audit, allowing opportunities for correction and improvement. Once all non-conformities are closed a, your CB of choice will issue your e-Stewards Certificate. 


The CBs above are the only ones currently qualified to audit and certify your facility(ies). In order to be accepted into the e-Stewards program, all CBs must meet the requirements found in Appendix C of the e-Stewards Standard.

Auditors who participate in the e-Stewards program must be qualified according to ANAB and ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing requirements. In addition, auditors must meet the specific requirements for e-Stewards auditor qualifications which include: 

  • Qualification as an ISO 14001 auditor. 
  • Completion of the BAN designated e-Stewards auditor training course and successful completion of exam(s). 
  • Continuing education requirements for all auditors, including refresher training courses approved by BAN at designated intervals 

Performance Verification Program

The e-Stewards Performance Verification (PV) program is a unique program run by e-Stewards directly to increase the  confidence among stakeholders in the e-Stewards® certification program.  It operates over and , abovethe routine annual udits accomplished by the accredited certification bodies. This special program now involves three different aspects. 

These inspections are designed to make sure that the Standard is being followed between annual audits. They involve random inspections by a qualified consultant auditor employed by e-Stewards. The inspector can appear at any working hour and request paperwork, interview employees, and examine the loading docks and floor operations. They can take place at process facilities and ancillary sites. 

In preparation for this program, every e-Stewards RProcessor will be required to document the procedure describing how your company will receive unannounced inspectors. e-Stewards processors will be required to immediately permit entry into all sites by our inspectors. Please click here* to access a checklist to assist you in preparing for an inspection. 

e-Stewards also randomly delivers electronic scrap equipment with embedded GPS trackers to processors in our program to ensure companies fulfill their downstream obligations for electronic wastes. e-Stewards processors can also purchase though the EarthEye™ program more GPS trackers for their own use to provide their customers additional assurance. For more information on this technology visit our and the EarthEye program, click here. 

In order to provide greater accountability for participants and their customers alike, the e-Stewards program created the Critical non-Conformity Policy which provides for stronger sanctions for egregious and willful violations of the Standard. Such Critical non-Conformities are addressed outside of the normal procedures of the Certification Body system.  Following a careful investigation and review, if the  e-Stewards Administrator conclude that a  Critical Non-Conformity has occurred as defined by the Policy,  Certifications can be suspended, withheld or  withdrawn. This policy is available here. 

  • Company Name
  • Location
  • Date Certificate was Withdrawn or Withheld
  • Documentation

Universal Recycling Technologies (URT)

2535 Beloit Ave, Janesville, WI 53546

Suspended March 21st, 2025 – April 19th, 2025

Evidentiary Report

Letter of Outcome

eGreen IT Solutions

11034 N 23rd Dr, Suite 107 Phoenix, AZ 85029

Withdrawn March 2, 2023

Evidentiary Report

CNC Determination Letter

Tech Resale

260 DL Sargent Drive, Ste. B, Cedar City, UT 94721

Withdrawn August 15, 2022

Evidentiary Report

Total Reclaim

2200 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA, USA

12050 Industry Way, Anchorage, AK, USA

6427 NE 59th Place, Portland, OR, USA

Withdrawn May 3, 2016

Evidentiary Report

Public Statement

Diversified Recycling

2700 Hazelhurst Avenue, Orlando, FL, USA

Withheld February 25, 2015

Evidentiary Report

CNC Determination Letter